Twitter FAcebook LinkedIn Email Insights & Perspectives • Perspective New Questions for Advocacy Evaluators Deepti Sood, Associate Director, Evaluation and Learning As we’ve been sharing recently, TCC Group conducted three research studies over the last year about good practices for supporting or conducting advocacy in modern times. These pieces focused on understanding how funders can best support advocacy coalitions, how funders can best support grassroots organizations, and the best ways to work towards durable policy wins. We found, as a team with a history of engaging in advocacy evaluations, that the research findings were influencing our own approach to advocacy evaluation. In particular, we found the material to suggest some different questions that we could be asking in our advocacy evaluations to ensure they are taking into account how advocates are doing their work in a values-driven and fast changing environment. The graphic below shares a brief summary of the research studies and the resulting questions they have led us to ask. We’d be curious to hear from others evaluating this work or funding evaluations of this work. What new questions have you found valuable to ask in your advocacy evaluations? Let us know here! November 29, 2022
Pathways to Policy Durability: Insights for Advocates and their Funders For over a century, American policymakers have worked to implement policies that conserve natural resources and protect the environment, from… ResourcesReport
Coalitions as a Tool for Advocacy Funders seeking to invest in broad social and system change frequently partner with advocacy organizations to advance issues through policy… ResourcesReport
Investing in Grassroots Advocacy: A Funder’s Guide Many foundations focused on equity have increased their support for Grassroots Advocacy Organizations (GRAOs) in recent years. The Connecticut Health… ResourcesReport