Twitter FAcebook LinkedIn Email Events • Speaking Engagement Grantmakers in Health Annual Conference on Health Philanthropy June 6, 2024 9:45 am Portland, OR - Hyatt Regency Portland at the Oregon Convention Center “Show Me the Money: Bold Approaches to Shifting Power to the Grass Roots” Panel presentation by TCC’s Marysol Fernández Harvey, Associate Consultant, Integrated Initiatives, Dr. Sulma Gandhi, Hawaiʻi Health Program Officer at the Stupski Foundation, and Lauren Wilkie, VP of Strategic Partnerships at Point Source Youth. The program will be moderated by TCC’s Emily Klukas, Senior Consultant, Integrated Initiatives. For the past several years, calls to truly shift power have been bubbling up within community and in philanthropy. This panel accepts this call, bringing together leaders in both philanthropy and direct services to discuss provocative models for resourcing and sustaining grassroots efforts to advance health equity. The session will highlight insights and tangible learnings from three distinct innovations to build upon in answering the call to shift dollars, resources, and power to the communities closest to the solutions we need. The models will include: An intermediary funding mechanism resourcing community-based projects to incubate emerging efforts to disrupt disparities in HIV care; A trust-based spend down model investing boldly in collaboration with community partners to catalyze change in health outcomes today; and A Direct Cash Transfers program to youth in unstable housing as a trust-based approach to preventative care. Learn More Here