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Arts & Culture

Raising the value and importance of the arts in all forms

From our early days, TCC Group has partnered with those committed to fulfilling the promise of the performing, literary, and visual arts—not only to entertain but also to educate and enlighten and serve as a nexus of dialogue and mutual understanding in an increasingly diverse society.

Our collaborative efforts have enabled nonprofits, foundations, companies, and communities to achieve heightened exposure, motivate community action, and create opportunities for everyone to participate in and appreciate all forms of the arts.

In many cases—through music, theater, and other diverse art forms—our partners seek new and effective ways to increase the breadth, depth, and diversity of their audiences; expand access for underrepresented groups; advocate closer ties among business, education, and the arts; and reduce social stigmas.

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“Change can be daunting, and TCC has been insightful in guiding us through the actual transitions… Their willingness and generosity in making connections beyond the task at hand has had a significant impact on our place in the world in which we live, and that is a rare and beautiful thing.”

Kathy Landau, Executive Director, Symphony Space

How We Can Help


Sound strategy is grounded in a deep understanding of your core purpose, capacity to achieve change, and collaborative relationships with others. From diverse perspectives on your work, we help you clarify your mission, vision, and values—then we collaboratively chart the course to realize your goals.

Evaluation & Learning

We’re often engaged to evaluate work in the arts and culture landscape. All our evaluation services take a customized approach—using a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods—to harness evaluation and learning for your diverse stakeholders. We provide actionable insights and build internal capacity to carry on learning efforts.

Capacity Building

Along with strong leadership, sound management, effective tools, adaptability, and a values-driven culture, accomplishing your goals takes collaborative muscle. We help you identify your strengths and opportunities for growth to determine how you can best partner with others to achieve your shared aims.

Grantmaking & Foundation Management

We work with funders in the arts on a wide variety of giving programs. Our experienced staff members design, develop, implement, and manage grantmaking efforts. We help you administer grants efficiently, communicate with grantees and grantseekers, and align your grantmaking with other funder objectives.

Initiative Design & Implementation

Tackling complex issues demands integrated action, informed by deep listening, intentional engagement, critical analysis, and bold approaches. To help you achieve your goals for lasting impact, we design integrated initiatives: strategic endeavors that meaningfully choreograph multiple program components and are responsive to community needs.

Stakeholder Engagement

Relationships are essential for impact. We help you build authentic, expansive, and productive relationships with the stakeholders critical to your work in the arts and culture space. We begin with stakeholder mapping, plan your strategy for engagement, identify the touchpoints for ongoing and fruitful partnership, and bolster feedback loops.

Strategic Communication

At all stages of work—designing a complex initiative, embarking on an organizational change in direction, or creating a suite of materials—strategic communication is essential. We create communication plans that make your voice heard, identifying your messages, messengers, audiences, and channels.


An engaged and effective board helps ensure you’re achieving your mission. We work with arts and culture organizations of all sizes, helping define the role of the board and advising on issues of its composition, structure, tenure, performance, and sustainability.

Theory of Change, Indicators & Measures Development

Surface the hypotheses and assumptions underpinning your work. How will you get from here to your goals? We lay out the steps by which your work will lead to impact in the arts. Articulating a Theory of Change and indicators of success are essential to establishing a shared vision for priorities, evaluation, partnerships, and resources.

Landscape Analysis

We have deep experience with organizations working in the arts and culture field. We map the key players, relationships, and trends essential for your unique mission. We collect data and connect you to the perspectives of diverse actors—including those most impacted within the community. We help you find the most effective ways you can make a difference.