Be Adaptive: Using Information to Adapt Programming (Stage 3) January 9, 2020 By Claire Schultz Part three of our four-part series on media evaluation examines distributing the content of a media campaign and how to track effectiveness.
Equity as Tokenism April 4, 2019 By Claire Schultz How does an evaluator navigate a situation where they are asked to favor certain staff over others because of their identity?
Equity as a Point of Tension March 25, 2019 By Claire Schultz How does an evaluator raise issues related to equity that are influencing the work when key players do not have an equity lens?
Equity as an Afterthought March 11, 2019 By Claire Schultz How does an evaluator focus on equity when it has been added as a new outcome years after an initiative has been in place?
Challenging the Norms February 28, 2019 By Claire Schultz An insightful discussion between four members of our senior leadership on advancing conversations related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Evaluation in the Era of #MeToo February 26, 2019 By Claire Schultz Two TCC staff members explore how issues raised by #MeToo have come up in their work as evaluators and as members of the American Evaluation Association.
Equity as a Capacity February 25, 2019 By Claire Schultz How does an evaluator assess the uptick of equity when it is delivered via capacity-building trainings?
Equity as a Leading Principle February 11, 2019 By Claire Schultz This is Part One of our five-part series titled, “Equity and Evaluation: Models of How Equity Can and Does Impact Evaluation.” The subsequent four parts will be released over the next two months (updated February 11, 2019). The philanthropic and nonprofit fields, and organizations and individuals serving those fields, have shown an increasing focus … Continued
The Power of (Not) Listening September 11, 2018 By Marketing Admin “Black women are 243 percent more likely to die from pregnancy- or childbirth-related causes.”—Nothing Protects Black Women from Dying in Pregnancy and Childbirth: Not education. Not income. Not even being an expert on racial disparities in health care. (ProPublica and NPR News, December 2017) “Black infants in America are now more than twice as likely … Continued
How Companies Meet Stakeholder Expectations June 21, 2018 By Marketing Admin Companies today are more engaged with and active in society and their communities than ever before, but they have not gained the recognition or trusted relationships they seek from consumers and the general public. Why? They lack a strong impact story.
What Does It Mean To Be A Strong Corporate Citizen? May 29, 2018 By Marketing Admin Tom Knowlton, Partner and Director of Corporate Practice at TCC Group, interviewed with Forbes to share his insights on what it means to be a strong corporate citizen. His interview with Christopher Skroupa is previewed on our blog, and the full content is available on the Forbes website.
Three Essential Elements for Evaluating Systems Initiatives April 16, 2018 By Marketing Admin You may be hearing terms like systems change, collective impact, and multi-sectoral initiatives a lot these days to describe situations where multiple actors are working together to tackle complex social problems. If you’re working or considering working within one of these types of initiatives, it’s critical to first recognize the complexity of the system (or set of interconnected parts) you’re working with and to think about what success would look like within that system. Although systems are complex, systems thinking – and the corresponding evaluation design – can be broken down into three essential elements…
The First Year of a New Presidency Moves Philanthropy to Action March 29, 2018 By Marketing Admin The speculation for most of us began on Wednesday morning, November 9, 2016. Regardless of political affiliation, the election win by a presidential candidate who promised dramatic changes in governing style and policies from the prior administration meant that grantmakers might have to rethink their current strategies and, quite possibly, fundamental priorities. As the new administration’s policy agenda rolled out over its first year in office, the interest areas of more and more funders were touched by the shifting political landscape.
Think Local: Local Consultants are an Untapped Resource for “Sticky” Capacity Building Investments March 25, 2018 By Marketing Admin For years, many in the nonprofit realm have advocated for increases in unrestricted funding, general operating support, and/or dedicated capacity building funds. But when it comes to reaping the full benefits of capacity building dollars, funding is not always enough.
How Do We Evaluate Progress Towards the Sustainable Development Goals? December 26, 2017 By Marketing Admin What can we do to effectively evaluate progress towards the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? This was one of the principle questions asked at the recent conference hosted in Guanajuato, Mexico…