2015 American Evaluation Association Annual International Conference September 25, 2017 By Marketing Admin TCC Group will be presenting throughout the AEA Conference. Their presentations are listed below. Wednesday November 11 3:00-4:30pm: 2374: How do YOU define a leader? Foundations and nonprofits all around are looking for ways to measure the effectiveness of leadership development programs. But what constitutes a leader? What attributes should be measured to determine if … Continued
Building a Collaborative Culture September 25, 2017 By Marketing Admin What can we learn from the experiences of grantmakers who have been intentional about ensuring that their organizational culture advances, rather than undermines, collaboration? Oftentimes, the most advanced collaborations comprise organizations that have systems, infrastructure, and policies in place that allow them to effectively engage with partners to effect change. In this session, we will … Continued
Why Boards Matter: The Relationship Between Strongs Boards and Organizational Success September 25, 2017 By Marketing Admin As a sector, we have come to some consensus on “good governance” and the things boards should do to effectively govern nonprofits. We have identified the board’s basic roles and developed metrics to gauge organizational success. What we DON’T know is whether and why these practices actually result in improved organizational health and long-term sustainability. … Continued
Capacity Building 3.0: Recasting the WHO, WHAT, and HOW of Increasing Social Sector Impact September 25, 2017 By Marketing Admin This session will familiarize participants with CB 3.0, a targeted capacity-building process and framework grounded in the notion that building the capacity of all actors in any social sector ecosystem depends on the development of “relational capacity.” Only when funders invest in learning with nonprofits on the front end of capacity-building initiative design can it … Continued
A Framework for Developing High-Impact Corporate Programs September 24, 2017 By Marketing Admin Successful high-impact corporate philanthropy programs generate numerous positive, measurable results for both businesses and society. Thomas Knowlton, partner and director of the corporate practice at TCC Group, and Erica Weinberg, senior consultant at TCC Group, will share a new framework for thinking about how to assess, develop, and execute successful high-impact programs. They’ll address common … Continued