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Localization Part 3: Whose Story Is It? Practices for Using a Localization Approach to Share and Interpret Evaluation Findings

Sector: Foundation

Localization Part 3: Whose Story Is It? Practices for Using a Localization Approach to Share and Interpret Evaluation Findings

Crucial to using a localization approach (i.e., integrating the voices of those who are most affected by the social or environmental challenges being addressed) is a mindset and a belief that everyone who touches a program or intervention brings skills to the table that can contribute to a successful evaluation. We are all taking in … Continued

Navigating Challenging Conversations: Getting on The Same Page to Strengthen the Impact of Your Family’s Philanthropy

We are in a time and place where more families and family foundations are reflecting on their role in society and examining how their philanthropic presence can or should be growing, adapting and evolving to better address societal changes.  As part of this process, families and family foundations are grappling with complex issues and facing … Continued

Will foundations’ next crisis response be déjà vu all over again?

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and national movement against police brutality and racism, the philanthropy sector appears motivated to embrace new approaches to transformational change—and yet is also moving cautiously and at times hesitantly toward undertaking the types of fundamental institutional realignment approaches that will deliver real systemic equity and justice.

Support Black Artists: A Call to Funders

(Photo credit: AP/Brynn Anderson) As we watch the removal and destruction of monuments that reflect the pain felt by so many people around this country, funders of the arts have an opportunity to galvanize the creation of new public displays that call out the portrayal of racism embedded in our history, system, and values.

“This Is The Time”

At TCC Group, we denounce the recent murders of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Manuel Ellis, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, and the many instances of police violence. We unequivocally believe that Black Lives Matter, and universally condemn the prevailing systemic racism and oppression that has for centuries perpetuated structural violence and continues to fuel vast societal inequities and injustices. We … Continued