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Using an Ecosystem Approach to Define Nonprofit Strategy

Sector: Nonprofit

Using an Ecosystem Approach to Define Nonprofit Strategy

You’ve been hearing about the “external environment” “ecosystem” “collaboration” “collective impact” and “hubs, spoke, nodes, etc.” a lot lately. Have you been wondering how all these concepts should influence your organization’s strategic priorities? So have we.

Grow Stronger & Achieve Greater Impact

What do legal advocacy and organizational effectiveness have in common? TCC Group CEO Richard Mittenthal shares his takeaways from the Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) 2016 National Conference in Minneapolis. 

Our 9 Types of Evaluation Work – Which are Useful to You?

What are we talking about when we say “evaluation”? How do you know what type of evaluation your organization needs? It’s start off with identifying what key question(s) you are trying to answer. Take a look at the nine types of evaluation work we do at TCC Group – aligned with key questions – to help you determine which type of evaluation is right for your organization.

How Media Affects Social Change

Media, and more importantly its ability to reach the public and provide commentary, has been present ever since the existence of a town crier.  The tradition of oration has evolved to broadsheet, books, radio, television, and now, to the digital age. I’ve been an evaluator for over 25 years and, over the last several years, have done a deep dive into the world of media, its role in communities, and how it can contribute to social and community change.

From “Good” to “Great” (or Better Yet, Impactful)

Does a “good board” really a strong organization make?

Fixing your board…that’s what many of us in leadership positions in the nonprofit sector believe it takes to improve our organizational impact. But how much does developing and educating your board really improve the way your organization does its work?