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Spotlight on TCC Group Changemakers: Dwyane Williams

How does keeping equity and diversity at our core help you to guide your work with clients and prepare them for what’s next?

I see the work that we do as a way to fill in gaps. Through opportunity, education, and strategy I am allowed to empower individuals, organizations, and business to show up in innovative and responsive ways.

What do you think TCC Group does differently with our clients?

TCC Group engages clients in very unique ways. I appreciate that we don’t simply do the work; we take the time to explain it, teach it, and make certain our clients know what goes into it. They are enveloped in the ask and task in almost every step. This helps to build sustainable programs, because we ensure that our clients and their partners are knowledgeable about and invested in the process, along with the outcomes.

Tell us about a project you’re deeply engaged in right now.

I am involved in implementing a “Community Captains” strategy for the accelerate and Positive Action in Women initiatives, which focuses on Black, gay and queer men, and Black women of cis and trans experience. For accelerate, they are recruited and trained to facilitate events across the country that engage Black men, increase networks, and build relationships. Captains in Positive Action for Women will facilitate conversations informed by “Risk to Reasons” and lead activities that will increase awareness and action around HIV prevention and care for Black women of cis and trans experience. These programs are essential for education and the ultimate eradication of HIV, and I appreciate that they rely on the support of people who are passionate about the HIV movement, as well as their communities, and allow them to be creative and champion the movement in their own way.

How have you seen your work at TCC Group make an impact?

accelerate in Action has been extremely successful; in addition to meeting goals and objectives, there were ideas that were born and grew beyond our expectations. Captains in Jackson, MS, held a town-hall style event to discuss how to better build community and more. The men that participated then created the Black Gay Men’s Network, which aims to increase opportunities, education, and awareness. The Network, which includes community members and public health professionals, is exactly what accelerate is about: providing opportunities that advance safer spaces and peer-led community development, ultimately improving health outcomes for Black queer men in ways that other grant-making initiatives may not allow.

What innovative approaches are you bringing to your work?

I strive to reimagine strategy and solutions, which means seeking out diverse perspectives and allowing them to inform and challenge the way I approach problem-solving. I also believe in providing our clients with options that are responsive and innovative. In many ways, TCC has modeled how to underscore the voices and experiences of those who this work serves. Through our listening, research, and evaluation, we are able to learn more about problems and provide unique strategies to solve them. From these methods are born several innovative responses such as new and distinctive programming such as arts and culture and more. Finally, our methods not only include listening to those who this work serves but hiring consultants within the communities we serve to guide our work; accelerate in Action and other Community Captain models is a great example of this.

What does it mean to you to be a part of social change work at this moment?

At this moment, it means to me that I have a chance to use my skills and talent to contribute to true and lasting change. It means to me that I am a part of a special and needed group that is able to see problems and provide effective strategy and direction to ensure that good keeps its place in the world.

You can learn more about Dwyane and his work at TCC Group here.

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