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Insights & Perspectives

What Surprises Me about Human Rights Grantmaking

When your job centers on helping funders assess needs, devise strategies, and manage and evaluate their grantmaking, you wish that every field would have a resource like Advancing Human Rights: Update on Global Foundation Grantmaking. Since IHRFG and Foundation Center launched this series four years ago—and added an interactive website…

Insights & Perspectives

Building a More Effective Community Approach

Companies are developing their corporate citizenship approaches and strategies based on three primary drivers: aligning with their purpose; addressing an operational issue; and/or supporting the communities where they have operations and employees. Public media and high-profile stories surrounding companies and their corporate citizenship efforts tend to focus on the major…

Insights & Perspectives

How to Strengthen Your Family Foundation’s Impact

As with all foundations, family foundations work to have a meaningful and measurable impact on social problems. But they also have a second, unique purpose: to serve as a unifying vehicle for multiple generations, and to provide opportunities for family members to share philanthropic interests. Establishing this unity can be…

Insights & Perspectives

4 Key Stages for Measuring Your Media Outcomes

What can media accomplish? What can it affect? These are questions funders often ask. Restating those questions from an evaluation perspective translates to: how can one measure the impact of media? To understand how to measure media, we must first understand the strategy behind media.

Insights & Perspectives

Building Evaluation Capacity Across International Offices

For NGOs with offices in a wide variety of geographic locations, establishing a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system that works for both the headquarters office and field offices can be a real challenge. If those offices operate in different countries, that challenge becomes even harder. Learn how Hand in Hand…

Our Services

Evaluation & Learning

Understand progress towards your mission. What is and isn’t working? How will you know? How can you build the capacity to keep track?

Insights & Perspectives

How Media Affects Social Change

Media, and more importantly its ability to reach the public and provide commentary, has been present ever since the existence of a town crier.  The tradition of oration has evolved to broadsheet, books, radio, television, and now, to the digital age. I’ve been an evaluator for over 25 years and, over…