Our Team Amy Lippincott Senior Support Specialist, Evaluation and Learning Email Amy Implementing a broad range of evaluation methods to deepen understanding of human behavior, motivation, and perceptions “By the time your perfect information has been gathered, the world has moved on.”—Phil Dourado Educated in criminal justice, research, and analysis, Amy is a discerning observer of human behavior. Whether delving into law enforcement’s perceptions of human trafficking or evaluating a childhood literacy program, she is pragmatic and clear in her approach to and delivery of information to her clients. Amy provides support for ongoing evaluation client work in the areas of mixed-methods data collection, survey programming and administration, data management, and both quantitative and qualitative analysis. At TCC Group: Freeman-Harrison Family Foundation: Amy contributed to the survey design and analysis and led the data collection in a formal evaluation of the My Own Book Fund program and its impact on childhood literacy and interest in reading. To ensure the validity of the data while capturing a broad representation of the program participants, she helped train a team of volunteers on specific data collection methods and guided the survey distribution to students, teachers, and parents in the sample of 10 participating schools. The research findings demonstrated positive impact and helped the organization continue to receive sufficient funding to reach children in need. Camp Fire USA: In preparation for the organization’s national CEO summit, Amy coordinated a capacity assessment using the CCAT to collect information from nearly 40 national Camp Fire councils. Amy provided support in analyzing the results and prepared the presentation of council demographics (e.g., staff size, funding sources) and prioritized recommendations for building councils’ capacity to innovate and lead in youth development by identifying the councils’ collective strengths to sustain and challenges to support. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Driven by state Action Coalitions (AC), the Future of Nursing Campaign for Action surveys and assesses AC’s progress toward the campaign goals. Amy has consistently implemented these biannual reviews and provides an iterative analysis of the survey results over time against specific impact areas. She provides historical stability to the project’s evolution, as members of the ACs change and the coalitions evolve to address a variety of issues relating to nursing, nursing education, and healthcare in their individual states. Before TCC Group: NUBiLaGA, Northeastern University’s Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, Questioning and Straight Alliance (now called NU Pride): Committed to addressing the needs of the LGBTQQIA community, Amy spent several years as the NUBiLaGA spokesperson and co-chair and worked with a broad range of diversity-focused organizations to support advocacy and awareness building. She served as a guest speaker and educator at University courses and local high schools, spoke with local press including The Boston Globe, and elevated the voice and influence of NUBiLaGA across the University. Amy is credited with successfully securing funding for and launching the first LGBTQQIA walk-in resource center on campus. Center for Criminal Justice Policy Research: Amy was deeply engaged in research activities in support of “Understanding and Improving Law Enforcement Responses to Human Trafficking.” This report details the results of a national survey of police departments on their perceptions of human trafficking; the characteristics of victims, perpetrators, and investigations; strategies used for identifying and prosecuting cases; and the role that multi-agency task forces play in dealing with these crimes. She also assisted in data collection around the demographic characteristics of federal judges as part of a study examining the effects of racial representation among multiple categories of court workers on sentencing disparities. Education: Northeastern University BS, Criminal Justice Insights & Perspectives LGBTQ+ Evaluation: Building a Liberatory Praxis Together - eStudy 123 Resource Guide Events Risks, Rewards, and Self-Care in Authentic Evaluation: Skills for Showing up as Your Whole Self in a Fragmented World 2019 American Evaluation Annual International Conference 2018 American Evaluation Association Annual International Conference Resources Foundations Need Capacity Too: Initial Findings from the Foundation Core Capacity Assessment Tool